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Friday, August 14, 2015


Love yourself more.

x x

Oooh a new series! How exciting!
At least I hope that's how you reading this feel.
GIWM (Get Inspired With Me) is a series where I will be posting anything from quotes to whole books that have inspired me. Each post will be paired with a goal that the inspiration has motivated me to do. Hopefully, these posts will inspire you too!

x x

Love yourself more.
A simple statement and yet, so many people struggle with it.
Being one of those people I can tell you - I wish it were that easy.
Unfortunately, it isn't.
This year my self esteem all but disintegrated. I don't mean that I thought my nose or chin were too big - I mean I absolutely loathed myself, and not just my appearance.
Sure, when I looked in the mirror I didn't like what looked back, but if that were all I wouldn't have hit rock bottom as hard as I did. It was the other things - hating my personality, hating my art, my music, no longer valuing the talents I had and have to this day.
That's not ok.
I have grown so much since then; I look in the mirror and I smile. I appreciate my talents - and you should too.
Of course it's not always that simple. Here are some tips:

* Surround yourself with positive people *

I can't stress enough how important this is. Surround yourself with positive people. A negative friend can cause more harm than you'd think. From personal experience I can tell you that it really affected me. If right now you're thinking of someone, then maybe you should cut them out of your life.

* Work hard on what you love *

Doing what you love will improve your mood in any situation. Working at it, getting good at it, that will inspire pride. It's good to be proud of your accomplishments - it shows self worth. So do what you love and get good. The more time you spend on what you love, the happier you'll be.

* Be comfortable in what you wear *

While this may seem like a shallow suggestion in actuality it's very important. Don't wear clothes because someone else says they're "cool." Wear a shirt because you love it, where those jeans cause your legs look amazing in them. Most importantly, wear what you're comfortable in; It will help your confidence grow.

My goal this week is...

To love myself more - plain and simple. To work on my talents and appreciate them. To not be so hard on myself.
Hope you will join me in loving ourselves just the way we are!

x x

Remember you are worth it, and you do deserve happiness.


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Friday, August 14, 2015


Love yourself more.

x x

Oooh a new series! How exciting!
At least I hope that's how you reading this feel.
GIWM (Get Inspired With Me) is a series where I will be posting anything from quotes to whole books that have inspired me. Each post will be paired with a goal that the inspiration has motivated me to do. Hopefully, these posts will inspire you too!

x x

Love yourself more.
A simple statement and yet, so many people struggle with it.
Being one of those people I can tell you - I wish it were that easy.
Unfortunately, it isn't.
This year my self esteem all but disintegrated. I don't mean that I thought my nose or chin were too big - I mean I absolutely loathed myself, and not just my appearance.
Sure, when I looked in the mirror I didn't like what looked back, but if that were all I wouldn't have hit rock bottom as hard as I did. It was the other things - hating my personality, hating my art, my music, no longer valuing the talents I had and have to this day.
That's not ok.
I have grown so much since then; I look in the mirror and I smile. I appreciate my talents - and you should too.
Of course it's not always that simple. Here are some tips:

* Surround yourself with positive people *

I can't stress enough how important this is. Surround yourself with positive people. A negative friend can cause more harm than you'd think. From personal experience I can tell you that it really affected me. If right now you're thinking of someone, then maybe you should cut them out of your life.

* Work hard on what you love *

Doing what you love will improve your mood in any situation. Working at it, getting good at it, that will inspire pride. It's good to be proud of your accomplishments - it shows self worth. So do what you love and get good. The more time you spend on what you love, the happier you'll be.

* Be comfortable in what you wear *

While this may seem like a shallow suggestion in actuality it's very important. Don't wear clothes because someone else says they're "cool." Wear a shirt because you love it, where those jeans cause your legs look amazing in them. Most importantly, wear what you're comfortable in; It will help your confidence grow.

My goal this week is...

To love myself more - plain and simple. To work on my talents and appreciate them. To not be so hard on myself.
Hope you will join me in loving ourselves just the way we are!

x x

Remember you are worth it, and you do deserve happiness.


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