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Friday, August 14, 2015


"Momma, I'm at the MoMA!"

Friday, August 21, 2015


We think too much and feel too little. 

Get Inspired With Me #2
I feel like this quote was written for me.
I am the queen of overthinking everything. And not overthinking positive thoughts (is that even a thing?). If someone glanced at me I just assumed they were judging me, when really they couldn't care less about my "outfit" or my "hairstyle."
What I needed to realize was that nobody cared about what I was wearing or how my hair was done. My friends love me for reasons like my personality not my looks - and yours do too.
And if they are just friends with you for your looks, then they're not real friends.
Enjoy what's around you. Feel what's around you. Take in the beauty that often slips our sight.
Overthinking takes the joy out of everything.
That guy isn't looking at you because he thinks your ugly, he's looking because you're gorgeous.
That girl is laughing because she thinks you're funny, not funny-looking.
In the end, life is pretty simple.
Do what you love, and love what you do.
Think a little less, and feel a little more.

My goal this week is...

To stop overthinking everything. To stop assuming that everyone is constantly judging me. Finally, to appreciate the beauty around me more. I live in a beautiful world, and you do too. Try to see it that way - I know I will.

x x

Remember you are worth it, and you do deserve happiness.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hiking Through the Mountains

One of the things I value most in life is family. I also very much enjoy being surrounded by nature. So, going for a hike through the Bear Mountains, with my mother and father, was the perfect way to spend time with family and be surrounded by nature.
In my mind, it was a win-win.
And it turned out to be just that!
It was a great opportunity to take some amazing photos and the hike was a great workout. The view we were greeted with at the end is one I won't soon forget. I can't wait to go pack in the fall and see what it looks like then!
Below are just a few pictures I took.  

I had so much fun and can't wait to go hiking again. Summer is the time to do something new, get out of your comfort zone; so turn off the TV, put your phone down and get out there!

x x

Remember you are worth it, and you do deserve happiness.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Desk Organization - A Simple Solution

I hate to say it - but summer is almost over.
No more laying around in bed on a Monday afternoon.
On the other hand, each year brings a fresh beginning, a new opportunity. Be it high school, college, or just returning to your job from a couple weeks off, take this opportunity to reorganize your life, your mind, and - well, maybe your room a little bit too. I've always had a messy desk, but this year I decided to change that. Also - stay tuned till the end for a surprise!

My desk is pretty cool. It's antique and it's beautiful.
Unfortunately, it's also quite small.
Like most desks it's got three main drawers and one smaller one for pencils, pens, and other writing utensils. So to make sure I get the most space out of my desk - while keeping it organized - I use jewelry organizers. Keeping all my pens and pencils in rows without dividers of any sort was a mess. Since I'm constantly opening and closing my drawers they'd move around and the whole arrangement got messed up. These organizers proved to be a perfect solution.

I got one big one and one small one. In the bigger one I separated my pencils, pens, colored pencils, and assorted goods (ex: ruler, whole puncher etc). These went in the four main compartments. In the fifth one I put markers and highlighters.

In the smaller one, I put a bunch of various objects that I use almost as often as pencils and pens (ex: erasers, paper clips, etc).

The best part - organizing my desk like this didn't take long at all! Now, when I reach in I'll know exactly where everything is.

As promised I have a little surprise for you all! This post was actually a collaborations with Lex Meets World, so head over to her blog to check out her tips for avoiding stress during the school year. 

x x

Remember you are worth it, and you do deserve happiness.


Friday, August 14, 2015


Love yourself more.

x x

Oooh a new series! How exciting!
At least I hope that's how you reading this feel.
GIWM (Get Inspired With Me) is a series where I will be posting anything from quotes to whole books that have inspired me. Each post will be paired with a goal that the inspiration has motivated me to do. Hopefully, these posts will inspire you too!

x x

Love yourself more.
A simple statement and yet, so many people struggle with it.
Being one of those people I can tell you - I wish it were that easy.
Unfortunately, it isn't.
This year my self esteem all but disintegrated. I don't mean that I thought my nose or chin were too big - I mean I absolutely loathed myself, and not just my appearance.
Sure, when I looked in the mirror I didn't like what looked back, but if that were all I wouldn't have hit rock bottom as hard as I did. It was the other things - hating my personality, hating my art, my music, no longer valuing the talents I had and have to this day.
That's not ok.
I have grown so much since then; I look in the mirror and I smile. I appreciate my talents - and you should too.
Of course it's not always that simple. Here are some tips:

* Surround yourself with positive people *

I can't stress enough how important this is. Surround yourself with positive people. A negative friend can cause more harm than you'd think. From personal experience I can tell you that it really affected me. If right now you're thinking of someone, then maybe you should cut them out of your life.

* Work hard on what you love *

Doing what you love will improve your mood in any situation. Working at it, getting good at it, that will inspire pride. It's good to be proud of your accomplishments - it shows self worth. So do what you love and get good. The more time you spend on what you love, the happier you'll be.

* Be comfortable in what you wear *

While this may seem like a shallow suggestion in actuality it's very important. Don't wear clothes because someone else says they're "cool." Wear a shirt because you love it, where those jeans cause your legs look amazing in them. Most importantly, wear what you're comfortable in; It will help your confidence grow.

My goal this week is...

To love myself more - plain and simple. To work on my talents and appreciate them. To not be so hard on myself.
Hope you will join me in loving ourselves just the way we are!

x x

Remember you are worth it, and you do deserve happiness.


"Momma, I'm at the MoMA!"

I don't even know how to start this.
I went to the MoMA almost a week ago and still - I have no words.
I was tempted to just let the pictures do the talking; but while I am rendered speechless by the art - I also have so much to say.
If I were to put my passions in a list, art - observing it, taking part in making it - would come in second; only preceded by my love for music.
Being in the MoMA, walking through the MoMA was an experience within itself. Calling the experience "incredible" would be a major understatement - it was beyond any word I can think of.
One of the things I love about modern art is how open to interpretation it is. Perhaps one of the reasons all these artists were and continue to be so successful is that the piece is fluid. One man may appreciate a painting because he sees no flaws, while his neighbor may see that painting greatly flawed - yet made better so. 
I, of course, took many, many pictures. Below are some of my favorites.

Overall, it was an amazing experience and I would highly recommend checking out the MoMA!

x x

Remember you are worth it, and you do deserve happiness.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Fighting off Depression

What is depression?
Well of course there's the plain old emotion. The feeling of sadness and desolation.
Then there's the disease.
Depression is by far one of the worst diseases to have. Because it's a mental sickness, your mind can distort things to be so much worse than they are - and that's what makes it really bad. The mistake so many people make is letting their depression define them.
I have depression.
That doesn't mean that my depression is my defining feature.
Depression is not one of the things that makes me who I am.
Loyalty to my friends, my love of music, the love that I feel for my family - these are the things that define me. And that's only a few. Fighting depression is hard, and at times I am overwhelmed by sadness, or numbness to joy. But like every other challenge in life depression can be overcome. You just have to push yourself.
I love my friends. Every single one of them. 
Even when I feel awful I push myself to go out, to see them. And it helps - it helps so much.

 No matter how bad I feel - seeing my friends always cheers me up. And I make the best memories. I take my camera with me everywhere now. Why? To see the beauty in everything. I tend not to acknowledge how great the things around me are, and taking pictures everywhere I go has really helped me see how beautiful the things around me are - and how much I have to appreciate. 

I had the best time just catching up with my friends.

And, of course, adorable kids always light up the world.

The moral?
Push yourself. Do the things you love.
Even if you're not "in the mood" do it. Depression is an everyday battle. 
You can win it.

x x

Remember you are worth it, and you do deserve happiness.
